Nonlinear quantum optics with structured light: tightly trapped atoms in the 3D focus of vectorial waves

R Gutiérrez-Jáuregui, R Jáuregui - Frontiers in Physics, 2022 -
Atomic gases tightly trapped near the focus of an electromagnetic wave interact with photons
that exhibit a complex structure, displaying strong gradients of field amplitude and local …

Modeling of multimodal scattering by conducting bodies in quantum optics: The method of characteristic modes

GY Slepyan, D Mogilevtsev, I Levie, A Boag - Physical Review Applied, 2022 - APS
We propose a numerical technique for modeling quantum multimodal light scattering by a
perfectly conducting body. Using the special quantization technique, we develop the …

Super-operator linear equations and their applications to quantum antennas and quantum light scattering

G Slepyan, A Boag - Applied Sciences, 2022 -
In this paper, we develop a resolvent method for super-operator equations with applications
in quantum optics. Our approach is based on the novel concept of a linear super-operator …

Spontaneous transition rates near the focus of a parabolic mirror with identification of the vectorial modes involved

R Gutiérrez-Jáuregui, R Jáuregui - Scientific Reports, 2020 -
Each natural mode of the electromagnetic field within a parabolic mirror exhibits spatial
localization and polarization properties that can be exploited for the quantum control of its …

Багатовекторне трасування променів в еліпсоїдальних рефлекторах

СО Полуектов - 2023 -
Анотація Обсяг роботи: 115 стор; Кількість ілюстрацій: 51; Кількість таблиць: 27;
Кількість джерел: 71; У першому розділі проведено аналітичний огляд особливостей …

On quantum state conversion in the constrained two-qubit system and its application to a reduced Rydberg-trimer model

T Haase - 2022 -
Preparing quantum states is essential for quantum information processing since any process
must start at a well-defined initial state. State conversion describes techniques to transform a …

Masked states of an atom coupled to a standing-wave cavity mode

R Gutiérrez-Jáuregui - Physical Review A, 2020 - APS
The form of the eigenstates of an atom coupled to a cavity mode displaying a three-
dimensional periodic profile are obtained. It is shown that the quantized motion leads to …

[PDF][PDF] Vom Fachbereich Physik der Technischen Universität Darmstadt

G Alber, R Walser -
Die Präparation von Quantenzuständen ist eine grundlegende Fragestellung der
Quanteninformationsverarbeitung, da jeder Prozess in einem wohldefinierten …