Entry and regulation: evidence from health care professions

C Schaumans, F Verboven - The Rand journal of economics, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
In many countries, pharmacies receive high regulated markups and are protected from
competition through geographic entry restrictions. We develop an empirical entry model for …

Regulation of liberal professions and competition policy: developments in the EU and China

NJ Philipsen - Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 2010 - academic.oup.com
The regulation of professional services has been high on the political agenda for years now
in Europe. This paper points out the methods of working and the strategies used by the …

[PDF][PDF] Stosunki zawodowe między farmaceutą (aptekarzem) a lekarzem

A Piecuch, M Makarewicz-Wujec… - Farm Pol, 2014 - ptfarm.pl
353 Tom 70· nr 7· 2014 wywiad motywujący, przegląd leków, eduka‑cja pacjentów oraz
współpraca międzyzawodo‑wa [4]. Wymagane jest dokumentowanie wszel‑kich …

Regulation of pharmacists: a comparative law and economics analysis

NJ Philipsen - The European journal of comparative economics, 2013 - papers.ssrn.com
This paper discusses the regulation of pharmacists from an economic perspective, focusing
on licensing, price and fee regulation, advertising restrictions and rules on exercise of the …

Towards Auctioning

S Weishaar - 2009 - torrossa.com
On 25 October 2003 the Directive 2003/87/EC governing the European Emissions Trading
System (EU ETS) for greenhouse gas emission allowances for energy-intensive installations …

The law and economics of professional regulation: what does the theory teach China

NJ Philipsen - Economic analysis of law in China. Edward Elgar …, 2007 - elgaronline.com
This chapter will address the economic theories of regulation with respect to professional
services (such as those provided by lawyers, notaries, accountants, pharmacists, engineers …

Regulation of accountants

NJ Philipsen - Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, 2012 - elgaronline.com
The services provided by the accounting professions (including auditors, accountants and
tax advisers) generally include statutory and internal audits, other accountancy services …

The regulation of corporate environmental responsibility

M Lu, M Faure - Market Integration: The EU Experience and …, 2016 - Springer
This chapter focuses on an increasingly popular phenomenon—corporate environmental
responsibility (CER). The key question that is addressed is how CER can be viewed from a …

Environmental liability in a federal system: a law and economics analysis

K De Smedt - European Energy and Environmental Law …, 2008 - kluwerlawonline.com
Kristel De Smedt defended her PhD research on the harmonisation of environmental liability
rules in a federal system at the Law Faculty of Maastricht University on 19 December 2007 …

Legal and organisational innovation in the Italian pharmacy system: commercial vs public interest

A Santuari - Health Economics, Policy and Law, 2017 - cambridge.org
Pharmacy services are undoubtedly an important part of primary care. Pharmacists are
entrepreneurs and simultaneously they are entrusted with a public mission in the health care …