Software developers rely on media to communicate, learn, collaborate, and coordinate with others. Recently, social media has dramatically changed the landscape of software …
With over 10 million git repositories, GitHub is becoming one of the most important source of software artifacts on the Internet. Researchers are starting to mine the information stored in …
Software processes comprise many steps; coding is followed by building, integration testing, system testing, deployment, operations, among others. Software process integration and …
The advent of distributed version control systems has led to the development of a new paradigm for distributed software development; instead of pushing changes to a central …
The term 'crowdsourcing'was initially introduced in 2006 to describe an emerging distributed problem-solving model by online workers. Since then it has been widely studied and …
Open source software is commonly portrayed as a meritocracy, where decisions are based solely on their technical merit. However, literature on open source suggests a complex …
In the pull-based development model, the integrator has the crucial role of managing and integrating contributions. This work focuses on the role of the integrator and investigates …
With over 10 million git repositories, GitHub is becoming one of the most important sources of software artifacts on the Internet. Researchers mine the information stored in GitHub's …
The pull-based development model is an emerging way of contributing to distributed software projects that is gaining enormous popularity within the open source software (OSS) …