In this paper, I present the results of an experimental study on intuitions about moral obligation (ought) and ability (can). Many philosophers accept as an axiom the principle …
Are we able to do everything we ought to do? According to the important but controversial Ought Implies Can principle, the answer is yes. In this book Alex King sheds some much …
B Miller - European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 2014 - Springer
Philosophers have recently argued, against a prevailing orthodoxy, that standards of knowledge partly depend on a subject's interests; the more is at stake for the subject, the …
The Value-free ideal of science (VFI) is a view that claims that scientists should not use non- epistemic values when they are justifying their hypotheses, and is widely considered to be …
Conceptual limitations restrict our epistemic options. One cannot believe, disbelieve, or doubt what one cannot grasp. I show how, even granting an epistemic ought-implies-can …
Philosophers debate about which logical system, if any, is the One True Logic. This involves a disagreement concerning the sufficient conditions that may single out the correct logic …
Many philosophers claim that 'ought'implies 'can'. In light of recent empirical evidence, however, some skeptics conclude that philosophers should stop assuming the principle …
ZM Swindlehurst - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Doxastic normativism is the thesis that norms are constitutive of or essential to belief, such that no mental state not subject to those norms counts as a belief. A common normativist …
A Kissinger-Knox, P Aragon, M Mizrahi - Philosophia, 2018 - Springer
This paper aims to contribute to the current debate about the status of the “Ought Implies Can”(OIC) principle and the growing body of empirical evidence that undermines it. We …