Music is a foundation of our popular culture. With music's distribution far and wide, songs, lyrics, and melodies can be familiar to people from all backgrounds, connecting us through a …
When referring to product design assessment, even with a standard evaluation format, the perspective from which the criteria are approached differs strongly from one market category …
Brands are part of our everyday life. They represent a company and are used as a vehicle for their values. Marketing continuously tries to enhance the image of those, strives for a …
Edebiyatın sınırları, işlev ve kapsamı, insanî faaliyet ve düşünce alanındaki değişim ve genişlemeyle yeni ve farklı konuları bünyesinde büyütecek bir zenginliğe sahiptir. Nostalji …
Nostalgia as a longing for home, where we feel a deeper sense of connectedness and a slower sense of time. Today's heightened nostalgia is due to modernization, which created …