BW Mueller, FK Miller - Cryogenics, 2016 - Elsevier
A thermodynamic model of a 3 He-4 He cold cycle dilution refrigerator with no actively- driven mechanical components is developed and investigated. The refrigerator employs a …
CA van Eysden, A Melatos - Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2012 - Springer
A recipe is presented for interpreting non-invasively the transport processes at work during relaxation of a cylindrical, superfluid-filled vessel, after it is accelerated impulsively and then …
Current state of the art sub Kelvin Superfluid Stirling Refrigerators and Pulse tube Superfluid Refrigerators use multiple bellows pistons to execute the cycle. These types of displacers …
A novel sub-Kelvin refrigeration cycle is introduced in this work. The magnetically driven superfluid pulse tube refrigerator (MSPTR) could provide cooling at temperatures below 200 …
We describe the development and experimental results of a proof of concept Superfluid Magnetic Pump in this work. This novel low temperature, no moving part pump can replace …
Continuous and efficient sub-Kelvin cooling for uninterrupted operation of cutting-edge detectors, both in space and on the ground, is critical for top performance in many NASA …
Current state of the art particle and photon detectors such as Transition Edge Sensors (TES) and Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKID) use large arrays of sensors or detectors …
FK Miller, JG Brisson - cryocoolers -
ABSTRACT A concept for a superfluid pulse tube refrigerator that uses a 3He-4He mixture as the working fluid is described. The proposed pulse tube refrigerator will be driven by a …
AE Jahromi, FK Miller - Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2016 -
Large superconducting magnets are used in various space science applications (that is, particle detectors designed to search for antimatter, dark matter, and the origin of cosmic …