Larval dispersal and movement patterns of coral reef fishes, and implications for marine reserve network design

AL Green, AP Maypa, GR Almany… - Biological …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Well‐designed and effectively managed networks of marine reserves can be effective tools
for both fisheries management and biodiversity conservation. Connectivity, the demographic …

Resilience in ecology: Abstraction, distraction, or where the action is?

RJ Standish, RJ Hobbs, MM Mayfield… - Biological …, 2014 - Elsevier
Increasingly, the success of management interventions aimed at biodiversity conservation
are viewed as being dependent on the 'resilience'of the system. Although the term …

Limits to understanding and managing outbreaks of crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster spp.)

RN Hughes, DJ Hughes… - Oceanography and marine …, 2014 -
Outbreaks of crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster spp.) remain a major cause of coral
mortality in the Indo-Pacific, contributing to widespread and accelerating degradation of …

Predator Crown-of-Thorns Starfish (Acanthaster planci) Outbreak, Mass Mortality of Corals, and Cascading Effects on Reef Fish and Benthic Communities

M Kayal, J Vercelloni, T Lison de Loma, P Bosserelle… - 2012 -
Outbreaks of the coral-killing seastar Acanthaster planci are intense disturbances that can
decimate coral reefs. These events consist of the emergence of large swarms of the …

Introducing BASE: the Biomes of Australian Soil Environments soil microbial diversity database

A Bissett, A Fitzgerald, T Meintjes, PM Mele, F Reith… - GigaScience, 2016 - Springer
Background Microbial inhabitants of soils are important to ecosystem and planetary
functions, yet there are large gaps in our knowledge of their diversity and ecology. The …

The ecosystem roles of parrotfishes on tropical reefs

RM Bonaldo, AS Hoey… - Oceanography and Marine …, 2014 -
Global reductions in biodiversity and the accelerating loss and degradation of many of the
world's ecosystems have intensified research into the roles of species in ecosystem …

Designing marine reserves for fisheries management, biodiversity conservation, and climate change adaptation

AL Green, L Fernandes, G Almany… - Coastal …, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Overfishing and habitat destruction due to local and global threats are undermining
fisheries, biodiversity, and the long-term sustainability of tropical marine ecosystems …

The central importance of ecological spatial connectivity to effective coastal marine protected areas and to meeting the challenges of climate change in the marine …

MH Carr, SP Robinson, C Wahle… - Aquatic …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
The several forms of ecological spatial connectivity–population, genetic, community,
ecosystem–are among the most important ecological processes in determining the …

Reef degradation and the loss of critical ecosystem goods and services provided by coral reef fishes

MS Pratchett, AS Hoey, SK Wilson - Current Opinion in Environmental …, 2014 - Elsevier
Highlights•Coral reef habitats are in decline, with reductions in coral cover and
structure.•Most fishes (regardless of their size) are less abundant on degraded reefs.•Highly …

Human activity selectively impacts the ecosystem roles of parrotfishes on coral reefs

DR Bellwood, AS Hoey… - Proceedings of the …, 2012 -
Around the globe, coral reefs and other marine ecosystems are increasingly overfished.
Conventionally, studies of fishing impacts have focused on the population size and …