Gramsci's Prison Notebooks are one of the most important and original sources of modern political philosophy but the Prison Notebooks present great difficulties to the reader. Not …
M Modonesi - Pensar América Latina Doctorado en Procesos …, 2012 -
El concepto de revolución pasiva avanzado por Antonio Gramsci en sus Cuadernos de la cárcel ha sido objeto de diversos estudios específicos que sopesan y resaltan el valor y el …
ML Duriguetto - Serviço Social & Sociedade, 2014 - SciELO Brasil
O artigo trata do desenvolvimento da análise do marxista italiano Antonio Gramsci contida nos Cadernos do cárcere acerca do conceito e da função dos intelectuais. Nosso objetivo é …
N Srivastava, B Bhattacharya - 2012 -
The importance of Antonio Gramsci's work for postcolonial studies can hardly be exaggerated, and in this volume, contributors situate Gramsci's work in the vast and complex …
F Antonini - Rethinking Marxism, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
In the Prison Notebooks, Gramsci combines a “pessimistic” analysis of the growing authoritarian trends of the 1930s with an “optimistic” commitment to the potential for socialist …
Nel 1921 fu tra i fondatori del Partito Comunista d'Italia, divenendone leader dal 1924 al 1927 e ricoprendone la carica di Redattore capo o segretario dal 1924 al 26 gennaio 1926 …
Reconocido como uno de los clásicos del marxismo del siglo XX, el pensamiento de Antonio Gramsci es clave para entender la creciente desigualdad en el siglo XXI; su rica y …
C Zene - London: Routledge, 2013 -
This introductory chapter sets out the rationale for the ensuing chapters and their division into different parts. It also provides an overall and comprehensive prologue to the Gramsci …
Many scholars have recently shown great interest in a diachronic re-examination of Antonio Gramsci's main theoretical-political categories in the Prison Notebooks. This method would …