Abstract The South Carolina laws that mandate regular school attendance place the responsibility on parents to ensure compliance. South Carolina still uses punitive measures …
Abstract In the United States truancy prevention is lacking two key elements to success; research that explains the causes of truancy and empirical evidence for best practices of …
The effects of student truancy behavior are felt not only by the truant student, but also by their family and by the community in which they live. Current research on the factors that lead to …
Chronic absenteeism among students presents a significant challenge within the educational landscape, impacting academic performance and contributing to educational …
This study focused on the support administrators give to truant elementary rural students in a southeastern state using a qualitative approach. Students must be accustomed to attending …
M Tomaskova, KM Gray, F Solmi, V Totsika - Available at SSRN 4734333 - papers.ssrn.com
Background: Autistic students experience many problems with school attendance. School exclusion and truancy are among the least researched school attendance problems in this …
Diplomová práce se zabývá prevencí rizikového chování, která je uskutečňována pedagogy volného času v domech dětí a mládeže. Pomocí kvantitativního výzkumu prostřednictvím …
In de adolescentie is er een toename in risicogedrag, denk aan middelengebruik en sexting. Middelengebruik kan zorgen voor ziekten op latere leeftijd en slechtere schoolprestaties …