Teasing out the functional groups of oil-collecting bees in the light of the pollination of Nierembergia flowers

CC Maubecin, N Rocamundi, N Palombo… - Arthropod-Plant …, 2021 - Springer
Pollination interactions between plants bearing oil-flowers and oil-collecting bees are
regarded as specialized, and within the major group of bees, oil-collecting bees are …

Specialisation in pollen collection, pollination interactions and phenotypic variation of the oil-collecting bee Chalepogenus cocuccii

CC Maubecin, L Boero, AN Sérsic - Apidologie, 2020 - Springer
Bee pollen gathering from a few related plant species is a specialisation known as
oligolecty. Although it is an extended phenomenon, it has been scarcely explored in oil …

Variación interespecífica de ensambles de polinizadores en Nierembergia (Solanaceae) en relación con la localización geográfica y la variación fenotípica de las …

CC Maubecin, MN Augusto, AN Sérsic - Ecologia Austral, 2022 - ojs.ecologiaaustral.com.ar
Comprender cómo varían las interacciones de especies emparentadas de plantas con
polinizadores a escala espacial permite establecer vínculos entre patrones macroevolutivos …