M Sangle-Ferriere, BG Voyer - Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 2019 - emerald.com
Purpose The development of self-service technologies, while intended to better serve customers by offering them autonomy, has created situations in which individuals may …
Teaching evaluation is an important issue in the learning process in higher education. In addition to the teaching evaluation on campus, feedback from alumni is also very important …
G Desjardins, M Lauzier - Humain et Organisation, 2024 - erudit.org
User de duplicité ou de mensonge pour atteindre des objectifs à court terme serait un comportement fréquent dans le commerce de la vente au détail. S'inspirant des principes de …
Y Watanabe - Journal of Strategic Management Studies, 2015 - researchmap.jp
Smart manufacturers are creating new business models to capture revenue opportunities at the customer's end of the value chain by tapping into valuable economic activities that occur …
G Desjardins - Revue francaise de gestion, 2021 - jle.com
Cet article analyse les comportements auto-rapportés des conseiller (ère) s de boutique ainsi que les pratiques/politiques internes de sept firmes de télécommunications …
Globally, the telecommunications industry is one the fastest-growing service industries in the business world, with a global estimated revenue value of about USD 1,565 billion in 2021 …
G Desjardins - Revue française de gestion, 2021 - cairn.info
Cet article analyse les comportements auto-rapportés des conseiller (ère) s de boutique ainsi que les pratiques/politiques internes de sept firmes de télécommunications …