Reconciling conflicting evidence for the cause of the observed early 21st century Eurasian cooling

S Outten, C Li, MP King, L Suo… - Weather and Climate …, 2022 -
It is now well established that the Arctic is warming at a faster rate than the global average.
This warming, which has been accompanied by a dramatic decline in sea ice, has been …

Are 100 ensemble members enough to capture the remote atmospheric response to+ 2° C Arctic sea ice loss?

Y Peings, ZM Labe, G Magnusdottir - Journal of Climate, 2021 -
This study presents results from the Polar Amplification Multimodel Intercomparison Project
(PAMIP) single-year time-slice experiments that aim to isolate the atmospheric response to …

Observed statistical connections overestimate the causal effects of Arctic sea ice changes on midlatitude winter climate

R Blackport, JA Screen - Journal of Climate, 2021 -
Disentangling the contribution of changing Arctic sea ice to midlatitude winter climate
variability remains challenging because of the large internal climate variability in …

A recent weakening of winter temperature association between Arctic and Asia

B Wu, Z Li, JA Francis, S Ding - Environmental Research Letters, 2022 -
Arctic warming and its association with the mid-latitudes has been a hot topic over the past
two decades. Although many studies have explored these issues, it is not clear how their …

Uncertainty in the winter tropospheric response to Arctic Sea ice loss: The role of stratospheric polar vortex internal variability

L Sun, C Deser, I Simpson, M Sigmond - Journal of Climate, 2022 -
Arctic sea ice has declined rapidly over the past four decades and climate models project a
seasonally ice-free Arctic Ocean by the middle of this century, with attendant consequences …

The Weakening of the Stratospheric Polar Vortex and the Subsequent Surface Impacts as Consequences to Arctic Sea Ice Loss

YC Liang, YO Kwon, C Frankignoul… - Journal of …, 2024 -
This study investigates the stratospheric response to Arctic sea ice loss and subsequent
near-surface impacts by analyzing 200-member coupled experiments using the Whole …

[PDF][PDF] Possible impacts of anomalous Arctic sea ice melting on summer atmosphere

B Wu, Z Li - International Journal of Climatology, 2022 -
Arctic sea ice melting and its possible impacts on climate variability and extreme weather
events in the mid-latitudes have been of wide concern over the past two decades …

Separating the influences of low-latitude warming and sea ice loss on Northern Hemisphere climate change

S Hay, PJ Kushner, R Blackport… - Journal of …, 2022 -
Analyzing a multimodel ensemble of coupled climate model simulations forced with Arctic
sea ice loss using a two-parameter pattern-scaling technique to remove the cross-coupling …

Impacts of Arctic sea ice on cold season atmospheric variability and trends estimated from observations and a multimodel large ensemble

YC Liang, C Frankignoul, YO Kwon… - Journal of …, 2021 -
To examine the atmospheric responses to Arctic sea ice variability in the Northern
Hemisphere cold season (from October to the following March), this study uses a …

North Atlantic Oscillation in winter is largely insensitive to autumn Barents-Kara sea ice variability

PYF Siew, C Li, M Ting, SP Sobolowski, Y Wu… - Science …, 2021 -
Arctic sea ice extent in autumn is significantly correlated with the winter North Atlantic
Oscillation (NAO) in the satellite era. However, questions about the robustness and …