Pentingnya Komunikasi Guru Dan Orang Tua Serta Strategi PMP Dalam Mendukung Pembelajaran Daring

IKN Ardiawan, IGT Heriawan - Danapati: Jurnal Ilmu …, 2020 -
Communication is an activity carried out to share information from a place, person, or group.
With the aim of providing information and communicating to our audience. Teacher and …

Inovasi Pendidikan Dalam Peningkatan Strategi Mutu Pendidikan

NKT Srilaksmi, KB Indrayasa - PINTU: Jurnal …, 2020 -
In simple terms, innovation is defined as renewal or change marked by new things. Efforts to
find new things may be caused by several things to solve problems faced by a person or …

New Media Sebagai Sarana Penyuluhan Agama Hindu Oleh Digital Native

IGT Pratyaksa, NWE Putri - Danapati: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 2020 -
In today's digital era, there are various media choices that can be used, such as television,
print media and even online media. The need for information makes people prefer media …

Infodemik Covid-19: Momentum membangun kepercayaan publik terhadap media mainstream

IKA Widiantara - Danapati: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 2020 -
The trend of mainstream media consumption during the pandemic has increased rapidly.
The public is bored with hoax information circulating about Covid-19 on social media. The …

Efektivitas CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Dalam Praktik Public Relations

W Supada - Danapati: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 2020 -
The implementation of CSR in Indonesia is increasing both in quantity and quality. In
practice, the CSR program is highly influenced by a competent public relations (PR) …

Konsep Ketuhanan Dalam Lontar Tutur Parakriya

NWY Astuti, IBPE Suadnyana - … Widya STAHN Mpu …, 2020 -
Religion is an essential part of human life, in fact it can contribute greatly in guiding people
to face the waves of life. Entering the era of modernization, one aspect of this is reflected in …

Kejawen: Kearifan yang adiktif

KS Yogiswari - Genta Hredaya: Media Informasi …, 2020 -
There are six recognized religions and growing in Indonesia, besides that there is also a
growing local trust and co-exist in the lives of its people. Is Kejawen, one of the local wisdom …

Filsafat Ketuhanan Menurut Baruch de Spinoza

IW Kariarta - Genta Hredaya: Media Informasi Ilmiah …, 2020 -
Philosophy is an attitude towards life and nature. Philosophers use different terminology and
points of view in seeing nature according to their respective backgrounds and interests …

Tradisi Mesatua Sebagai Media Komunikasi Penanaman Karakter Anak

IBG Paramita, IAD Arini - Danapati: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 2020 -
The tradition of Mesatua provides a more intimate emotional relationship between parents
and their children because communication will take place within two directions. Children can …

Teo Estetis Dalam Ritual Tumpek Krulut Pada Masyarakat Bali (Suatu Upaya dalam Mewujudkan Etika Kasih Sayang)

IWS Putra - Jnanasiddhanta: Jurnal Teologi Hindu, 2021 -
Hinduism is inseparable from the cultural aspect, between religion and culture can go hand
in hand. One of the most visible cultures is art. Art or art in Balinese Hindu society has the …