Place attachment, feeling of belonging and collective identity in socio-ecological systems: Study case of Pegalajar (Andalusia-Spain)

J Escalera-Reyes - Sustainability, 2020 -
Shared feelings of belonging and attachment held by people in relation to the place they
live, and the development of collective identities that such feelings can promote, should be …

[图书][B] Kollektive Identitäten

H Delitz - 2018 -
Diese Sätze Bernhard Giesens haben nichts von ihrer Aktualität eingebüßt und werden es
vermutlich auch in weiteren Jahrzehnten nicht. Das Begehren nach, die Flüchtigkeit von …

[图书][B] Health and political engagement

V Mikko Mattila, L Rapeli, HM Wass, P Söderlund - 2017 -
Social scientists have only recently begun to explore the link between health and political
engagement. Understanding this relationship is vitally important from both a scholarly and a …

Physical health conditions and political participation in Europe: the moderating effects of age

A Kirbiš, M Mattila, L Rapeli - Comparative European Politics, 2023 -
Unequal political participation is widely considered a problem of democratic representation.
Citizens with fewer resources typically report lower levels of participation. Lack of good …

The importance of being" we": Collective identity and the mobilizing work of progressive activists in Hartford, Connecticut

S Valocchi - Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 2009 -
This article examines the ways that collective identity influences the mobilizing work activists
perform in a wide variety of progressive activities in Hartford, Connecticut, as reported in …

[图书][B] Social Movements and Activism in the USA

S Valocchi - 2009 -
What can we learn when we listen closely to and engage in dialogue with social movement
activists? Social Movements and Activism in the USA addresses this question for a group of …

Теория социальных движений: проблемы теории и практики

ЭЭ Шульц - Вестник Северного (Арктического) федерального …, 2014 -
Статья посвящена анализу современных теорий общественных движений в аспекте
организации протестных настроений и управления социальным протестом …

A movement divided: SlutWalks, protest repertoires and the privilege of nudity

TA Hunt - Social Movement Studies, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
The use of the corporeal female body in social protest has a long and complex history,
particularly in anti-gender based violence movements. From early 20th Century suffragists in …

Sociocultural learning theories for social-ecological change

M Wheaton, NM Ardoin, AW Bowers… - Environmental …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
A long history of theory exists to underpin our understanding of how to engage individuals
and communities in more effective environmental conservation and sustainability practices …

Prospective mathematics teachers' collective identity work: navigating failure experiences and concerns about relating to students

S Lutovac, J Havia - 2024 -
The present study explores the collective identity work of prospective secondary
mathematics teachers as they engage with their experiences of failure and success. The …