O Ramsbotham, H Miall, T Woodhouse - 2011 - books.google.com
Since the end of the Cold War, conflict prevention and resolution, peacekeeping and peacebuilding have risen to the top of the international agenda. The third edition of this …
An award-winning book, Doing Research is a must read. Designed for students across a variety of social science disciplines, it is the first research methods text devoted to conflict …
S Blazejewski… - Politics and power in the …, 2011 - books.google.com
The objective of this chapter is to provide a critical overview over recent theory-based research on multinational corporations (MNC) conflict. In particular, we seek to understand …
DJD Sandole, S Byrne, I Sandole-Staroste, J Senehi - 2009 - api.taylorfrancis.com
The volume provides a comprehensive overview of the core concepts, theories, approaches, processes, and intervention designs in the field. The central theme is the value of …
M Tălpaș - Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series–Themes in …, 2016 - lans.uantwerpen.be
This piece of research attempts to highlight the role of interpreters in the period 2001–2015 when international coalition forces were in Afghanistan during and after the war. The scope …
Long description: Managers are confronted with numerous challenging situations in their work life. Managing diverse interactions professionally has become a ubiquitous …
Written by a distinguished scholar, this book explores themes of culture, identity, and power as they relate to conceptions of practice in conflict resolution and peacebuilding. Among the …
LE Reimer, CL Schmitz, EM Janke, A Askerov… - 2015 - books.google.com
This foundational Peace and Conflict Studies text is formatted to fit inside a 14 week college/university term. The chapters are designed to provide a succinct overview of …
In a world desperate to comprehend and address what appears to be an ever-enlarging explosion of violence, this book provides important insights into crucial contemporary issues …