Nucleation: theory and experiment

MP Anisimov - Russian chemical reviews, 2003 -
Various theoretical and experimental methods for studying nucleation are considered. Since
theoretical methods have fundamental limitations, information is gained from experimental …

[图书][B] Classical nucleation theory in multicomponent systems

H Vehkamäki - 2006 -
Nucleation is the initial step of every first-order phase transition, and most phase transitions
encountered both in everyday life and industrial processes are of the first-order. Using an …

Нуклеация: теория и эксперимент

МП Анисимов - Успехи химии, 2003 -
Рассмотрены различные теоретические и экспериментальные методы изучения
нуклеации. Поскольку теоретические методы имеют ряд ограничений …

Large scale molecular dynamics simulations of homogeneous nucleation

J Diemand, R Angélil, KK Tanaka… - The Journal of chemical …, 2013 -
We present results from large-scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of homogeneous
vapor-to-liquid nucleation. The simulations contain between 1× 10 9 and 8× 10 9 Lennard …

Aggregation-volume-bias Monte Carlo simulations of vapor-liquid nucleation barriers for Lennard-Jonesium

B Chen, JI Siepmann, KJ Oh, ML Klein - The Journal of chemical …, 2001 -
A combination of the aggregation-volume-bias Monte Carlo algorithm and the umbrella
sampling technique is applied to investigate homogeneous vapor–liquid nucleation. This …

Microstructure of neat alcohols: a molecular dynamics study

L Zoranić, F Sokolić, A Perera - The Journal of chemical physics, 2007 -
Neat methanol and tert-butanol are studied by molecular dynamics with the focus on the
microstructure of these two alcohols. The site-site radial distribution functions, the …

Argon nucleation in a cryogenic supersonic nozzle

S Sinha, A Bhabhe, H Laksmono, J Wölk… - The Journal of …, 2010 -
We have measured pressures p and temperatures T corresponding to the maximum
nucleation rate of argon in a cryogenic supersonic nozzle apparatus where the estimated …

Molecular-dynamics simulation of homogeneous nucleation in the vapor phase

S Toxvaerd - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2001 -
Ten independent quenches of a gas of 40 000 Lennard-Jones particles are followed until
the systems exhibit droplet growth. The cluster distributions and the kinetics are determined …

Nucleation rate isotherms of argon from molecular dynamics simulations

J Wedekind, J Wölk, D Reguera, R Strey - The Journal of chemical …, 2007 -
We report six nucleation rate isotherms of vapor-liquid nucleation of Lennard-Jones argon
from molecular dynamics simulations. The isotherms span three orders of magnitude in …

Argon nucleation in a cryogenic nucleation pulse chamber

K Iland, J Wölk, R Strey, D Kashchiev - The Journal of chemical physics, 2007 -
Homogeneous nucleation of argon droplets has been measured with a newly designed
cryogenic nucleation pulse chamber presented already in a previous paper [Fladerer and …