Hybrid intelligence

D Dellermann, P Ebel, M Söllner… - Business & Information …, 2019 - Springer
Research has a long history of discussing what is superior in predicting certain outcomes:
statistical methods or the human brain. This debate has repeatedly been sparked off by the …

The role of crowdfunding in endorsing responsible open innovation for shared value co-creation: a systematic literature review

V Cillo, E Borin, A Thomas, A Chaturvedi… - European Journal of …, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose This paper aims to investigate the intersection between crowdfunding (CF), open
innovation (OI) and responsible innovation (RI) and identify the emerging trends and gaps in …

Not just an ego-trip: Exploring backers' motivation for funding in incentive-based crowdfunding

U Bretschneider, JM Leimeister - The Journal of Strategic Information …, 2017 - Elsevier
Incentive-based forms of crowdfunding–such as reward-, equity-and lending-based
crowdfunding–are becoming increasingly popular. However, research that studies backers' …

[HTML][HTML] Geopolitical risk and crowdfunding performance

N Alsagr, DJ Cumming, JG Davis, A Sewaid - Journal of International …, 2023 - Elsevier
The most pronounced risk that fund providers assume in rewards-based crowdfunding is
reward delivery. Developing markets around the world exhibit geopolitical risks (GPR) that …

Stretching the success in reward-based crowdfunding

B Yasar, IS Yılmaz, N Hatipoğlu, A Salih - Journal of Business Research, 2022 - Elsevier
The use of crowdfunding as a funding method has increased considerably over the last
decade. However, competition for crowdfunding money is tough, and goal setting is critical …

The innovation potential of Islamic crowdfunding platforms in contributing to sustainable development

S Testa, T Atawna, G Baldi, S Cincotti - European Journal of …, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose This paper aims at explaining variances in the contribution of Islamic crowdfunding
platforms (ICFPs) to sustainable development (SD), by adopting an institutional logic …

Краудфандинг: законодательное оформление web-модели финансирования в контексте правовой доктрины и зарубежного опыта

АВ Габов, ИА Хаванова - Вестник Пермского университета …, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
Введение: нормативное лидерство в условиях все более очевидной взаимосвязи
между инновационным развитием и качеством законодательной базы-такая задача …

Catalyzing success in equity crowdfunding: trust-building strategies through signaling

P Sendra-Pons, D Garzón… - Review of Managerial …, 2024 - Springer
Building trust is a major challenge in digital crowdfunding environments. The existing
information asymmetries between fund-seeking entrepreneurs and potential investors …

US equity crowdfunding: A review of current legislation and a conceptual model of the implications for equity funding

LY de la Viña, SL Black - The Journal of Entrepreneurship, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Recent Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) guidelines provide a regulatory
framework for Title II of the Jumpstart Our Business Start-ups (JOBS) Act of 2012, that …

Do small funding amounts lead to reverse herding? A field experiment in reward-based crowdfunding

MA Zaggl, J Block - Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 2019 - Elsevier
Several biases are known to influence funding decisions in crowdfunding. Among these
biases is herding behavior; that is, the tendency to imitate the funding decisions of others …