M Zürn - European journal of international relations, 2000 - journals.sagepub.com
International institutions not only increase system effectiveness or output legitimacy, but are also a normatively plausible response to the problems for democracy that are caused by …
Untitled Page 1 Page 2 Literaturverzeichnis 335 Literaturverzeichnis (Bei Klassikern ist in eckigen Klammern das Datum der Erstausgabe, soweit es bekannt ist, vermerkt. Dieses weicht …
M Zürn - Handbook on multi-level governance, 2010 - elgaronline.com
'Global governance'is an amorphous term which draws a lot of attention partially because the concept is open to many interpretations. Common to all uses of the term global …
From the outset, European integration was about the transfer of powers from the national to the European level, which evolved as explicit bargaining among governments or as an …
This 2005 book argues that Europeanization and globalization have led to ever-more intensive legalization at transnational level. What accounts for compliance beyond the …
In the current debate on the future European order, the European Union (EU) is often described as an “emerging federation.” This article claims that federalism is not exclusively …
Der Kenntnisstand der Bürger: innen Europas über die Institutionen der EU und die sie betreffenden europapolitischen Entscheidungsprozesse gilt nach wie vor als unzureichend …
If the task of constitutional theory is to set out a language in which the discourse of constitutional law may be grounded, a question of the utmost importance is how this …
Bezogen auf die EU drängt sich zunächst die Frage auf, ob man überhaupt von Regieren in einem System sprechen kann, das keine Regierung kennt. Eine ältere, immer noch weit …