[PDF][PDF] Bioetička edukacija na teološkim fakultetima Univerziteta u Sarajevu

O Jašić, Ž Kaluđerović, S Beglerović - Jahr: Europski časopis za …, 2020 - hrcak.srce.hr
SAŽETAK U okviru Univerziteta u Sarajevu egzistiraju dva teološka fakulteta, Fakultet
islamskih nauka i Katolički bogoslovni fakultet. Obje visokoobrazovne institucije dugo …

Bioethical Education at Theological Faculties of the University of Sarajevo

O Jašić, Ž Kaluđerović, S Beglerović - Jahr–European Journal of …, 2020 - hrcak.srce.hr
Within the University of Sarajevo, there are two theological faculties, the Faculty of Islamic
Studies and the Faculty of Catholic Theology. For a long time, neither one of these …