We construct explicit deterministic extractors for polynomial images of varieties, that is, distributions sampled by applying a low-degree polynomial map f: F qr→ F qn to an element …
Batch Normalization (BatchNorm) is an effective architectural component in deep learning models that helps to improve model performance and speed up training. However, it has …
We introduce the problem of constructing explicit variety evasive subspace families. Given a family F of subvarieties of a projective or affine space, a collection H of projective or affine k …
A Almuhaimeed - Transformation Groups, 2022 - Springer
We prove various characterisations for the Cohen–Macaulay property for the invariant ring k [x 1,…, xn] G, where k is a PID. We also show that, except for one case, all the invariant rings …
J Bruce, W Li - Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2020 - ams.org
We show that any abelian variety over a finite field is covered by a Jacobian whose dimension is bounded by an explicit constant. We do this by first proving an effective and …
We prove an interpolation result for homogeneous polynomials over the integers, or more generally for PIDs with finite residue fields. Previous proofs of this result use the well-known …
The aim of this thesis is to study the action of a finite group G on a polynomial ring over a principal ideal domain (PID). We focus on finding the ring of invariants under this action and …
Consider a Noetherian domain R and a finite group G⊆ G ln (R). We prove that if the ring of invariants R [x 1,…, xn] G is a Cohen-Macaulay ring, then it is generated as an R-algebra by …