There is more to education than teaching and learning, and more to anthropology than making studies of other people's lives. Here Tim Ingold argues that both anthropology and …
J Jaspers - Language & Communication, 2018 - Elsevier
The implementation of translanguaging at school is often seen to have transformative capacities: it will release bilingual subjectivities, and change unequal social structures. In …
This is a book about what many teachers know but are increasingly being prevented from talking about: that real education always involves a risk. The risk is there because, as WB …
A bold call to deromanticize education and reframe universities as terrains of struggle between alternative modes of studying and world-making Higher education is at an …
It has become a cliché in much contemporary philosophy of education to start an argument by criticizing the dominant discourse that structures educational practice and informs …
Time and the Rhythms of Emancipatory Education argues that by rethinking the way we relate to time, we can fundamentally rethink the way we conceive education. Beyond the …
In recent decades, we have been witnessing significant investments in digital technologies, platforms and infrastructures all over the world. The uptake of digital technologies concerns …
In the face of persistent socio-ecological problems that prove hard to tackle with existing routines, the transition towards a more sustainable world is often described as a matter of …
This paper reflects on the emergence of an international effort to codify and cultivate a new 'human capability': Futures Literacy. Futures Literacy is understood as the technical …