[HTML][HTML] Impact of prenatal technologies on the sex ratio in India: an overview

K Madan, MH Breuning - Genetics in Medicine, 2014 - Elsevier
The fact that techniques of prenatal diagnosis are used in India and China to selectively
eliminate females is widely known. It has been extensively reported in the international …

Detection of resistance mutations to antivirals oseltamivir and zanamivir in avian influenza A viruses isolated from wild birds

G Orozovic, K Orozovic, J Lennerstrand, B Olsen - PloS one, 2011 - journals.plos.org
The neuraminidase (NA) inhibitors oseltamivir and zanamivir are the first-line of defense
against potentially fatal variants of influenza A pandemic strains. However, if resistant virus …

A Study to Assess Knowledge and Attitude of Prevention of Female Feticide among Newly Married Couples in Sangli and Satara District

S Kulkarni, S Salvi, R Dani - International Journal of …, 2020 - innovationaljournals.com
Background: At present, female feticide is burning issue in over the entire world. Indian
constitution says that gender equality is the fundamental right of every Indian. Scenario …

[PDF][PDF] Study of association of socio-demographic characteristics with the knowledge about sex determination and preconception and prenatal diagnostic technique act …

S Dwivedi, G Gupta, S Kumari… - International Journal of …, 2021 - academia.edu
Background: Preconception and prenatal diagnostic technique Act was amended in year
2003 which provides for prohibition of sex selection before and after conception and for …

Globalization and violence against women: the missing girls of India

A Banerjee, R Biswas - Journal of interdisciplinary …, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
Globalization of the economies has long been hailed as an apparatus that generates and
maintains a level-playing field for both genders. It is argued that freer the markets become …

[PDF][PDF] International Journal of Nursing Research (IJNR)

S Kulkarni, M Kulkarni - academia.edu
Background: At present, female feticide is burning issue in over the entire world. Indian
constitution says that gender equality is the fundamental right of every Indian. Scenario …


B Strukčinskienė, S Griškonis - sm-hs.eu
Vaccination is essential tool for the management and control of infectious diseases.
However, it can cause adverse events. After novel Pandemic (“swine”) flu virus A H1N1 …

[图书][B] Prawo jako narzędzie kształtowania społeczeństwa

I Barwicka-Tylek, P Eckhardt, J Ptak-Chmiel, M Wróbel… - 2016 - academia.edu
W znanej i wdzięcznej analogii homas Hobbes przyrównuje państwo do sztucznego
człowieka, którego duszą jest suwerenna władza, przekazująca poddanym swą wolę pod …

Response to Dalal et al.

K Madan, MH Breuning - Genetics in meDicine, 2015 - nature.com
2. Madan K, Breuning MH. Impact of prenatal technologies on the sex ratio in India: an
overview. Genet Med 2014; 16: 425–432. 3. Jha S, Kesler MA, Kumar R, et al. Trends in …

[PDF][PDF] Association of socioeconomic status with sex ratio at live birth in individuals living in the slums of Sholapur city, India

AS Ahankari, AW Fogarty - International Journal of Medical Science and …, 2015 - core.ac.uk
Background: The existence of female feticide in India is well known. However, limited data
are available on the association of socioeconomic status (SES) on sex ratio at live birth in …