W Helsper - Handbuch Kindheits-und Jugendforschung, 2022 - Springer
Das Verhältnis von Jugend und Schule wird unter theoretischen und empirischen Perspektiven in den Blick genommen. Neben der Bildungsexpansion und ihrer Bedeutung …
K Reiss, C Hammer - Eine Einführung für den Unterricht in der …, 2013 - Springer
Die Mathematikdidaktik beschäftigt sich mit dem Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik, und damit basiert sie ohne Zweifel auf Wissen aus dieser wichtigsten Bezugsdisziplin. Die …
J Lindner, E Makarova, D Bernhard, D Brovelli - Education Sciences, 2022 - mdpi.com
Math has a strong gender-related image, even among teachers. As teachers hold beliefs about their work, their role, their subject, and their students, they shape girls' and boys' …
Abstracts This study aims at describing differences in internal and external resources of students to handle mathematics learning from home. Based on data from N= 223 7th-grade …
Background Although research on mathematics learning programs has taken off in recent years, little is known about how different person characteristics are related to practice …
T Taraszow, S Gentrup, B Heppt - Social Psychology of Education, 2024 - Springer
Gender differences in reading and math have been reported for many years. Girls outperform boys in reading (representing a school domain stereotyped as female); boys …
Socially and in relation to the individual, schools' mission for STEM education is not limited to the teaching of knowledge and cognitive skills. Although they form an important basis for …
Math learning programs were expected to revolutionize students' learning, but their effects so far have mostly been disappointing. Following the debate about why to continue research …
S Basendowski, G Greefrath - Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik, 2024 - Springer
Zusammenfassung Inklusive Schulentwicklung erfordert, dass Large-Scale-Assessments zum Bildungsmonitoring die Leistungen auch auf den unteren Kompetenzstufen …