Abstract Space education from a social science perspective, rather than exclusively Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) perspectives, is essential to prepare societies …
Today, the space race has resumed where it left off in the 1970s. The first race threatened Christianity. This time the race threatens Islam. The potential settlement of planets, like in the …
Despite evidence that shows how the support for space programs correlates with liberal political views and a lower level of religiosity, recent data suggest that more conservative …
Humans last walked on the Moon in 1972. We not only have gone no further with in-person expeditions to places off Planet Earth, we have not even been back to the Moon. The main …
Since the dawn of human space exploration, the ethos of space as the final frontier has remained constant as a driving component of every major element surrounding space …
Earthly challenges daunt entrepreneurial contractors working with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The current workforce supporting NASA seeks solutions …
BE Zeller - Religion and Outer Space, 2023 - taylorfrancis.com
Benjamin E. Zeller explores “space religions” and finds counterintuitively that, while reaching toward the heavens, these religions tend to say very little about outer space itself …
Earthly challenges daunt entrepreneurial contractors working with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The current workforce supporting NASA seeks solutions …
EM Mazur - Religion and Outer Space - taylorfrancis.com
“The stories Americans tell about space,” writes Jodi Dean,“are stories about who we are and who we want to be”. While Dean uses this notion to explore stories of extraterrestrial …