Diffusion decision model: Current issues and history

R Ratcliff, PL Smith, SD Brown, G McKoon - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2016 - cell.com
There is growing interest in diffusion models to represent the cognitive and neural processes
of speeded decision making. Sequential-sampling models like the diffusion model have a …

[HTML][HTML] Decision making as a window on cognition

MN Shadlen, R Kiani - Neuron, 2013 - cell.com
A decision is a commitment to a proposition or plan of action based on information and
values associated with the possible outcomes. The process operates in a flexible timeframe …

Single-trial neural dynamics are dominated by richly varied movements

S Musall, MT Kaufman, AL Juavinett, S Gluf… - Nature …, 2019 - nature.com
When experts are immersed in a task, do their brains prioritize task-related activity? Most
efforts to understand neural activity during well-learned tasks focus on cognitive …

[图书][B] Computational modeling of cognition and behavior

S Farrell, S Lewandowsky - 2018 - books.google.com
Computational modeling is now ubiquitous in psychology, and researchers who are not
modelers may find it increasingly difficult to follow the theoretical developments in their field …

The neural basis of decision making

JI Gold, MN Shadlen - Annu. Rev. Neurosci., 2007 - annualreviews.org
The study of decision making spans such varied fields as neuroscience, psychology,
economics, statistics, political science, and computer science. Despite this diversity of …

Perceptions as hypotheses: saccades as experiments

K Friston, RA Adams, L Perrinet… - Frontiers in …, 2012 - frontiersin.org
If perception corresponds to hypothesis testing (Gregory,); then visual searches might be
construed as experiments that generate sensory data. In this work, we explore the idea that …

Bayesian integration in sensorimotor learning

KP Körding, DM Wolpert - Nature, 2004 - nature.com
When we learn a new motor skill, such as playing an approaching tennis ball, both our
sensors and the task possess variability. Our sensors provide imperfect information about …

The physics of optimal decision making: a formal analysis of models of performance in two-alternative forced-choice tasks.

R Bogacz, E Brown, J Moehlis, P Holmes… - Psychological …, 2006 - psycnet.apa.org
In this article, the authors consider optimal decision making in two-alternative forced-choice
(TAFC) tasks. They begin by analyzing 6 models of TAFC decision making and show that all …

Neurobiology of economic choice: a good-based model

C Padoa-Schioppa - Annual review of neuroscience, 2011 - annualreviews.org
Traditionally the object of economic theory and experimental psychology, economic choice
recently became a lively research focus in systems neuroscience. Here I summarize the …

Neural correlates of reaching decisions in dorsal premotor cortex: specification of multiple direction choices and final selection of action

P Cisek, JF Kalaska - Neuron, 2005 - cell.com
We show that while a primate chooses between two reaching actions, its motor system first
represents both options and later reflects selection between them. When two potential …