AMJ Haque, K Kim - Chemical Communications, 2011 -
Reusable bio-functionalized surfaces based on electrochemical desorption of benzenediazonium-grafted organic layers - Chemical Communications (RSC Publishing) …
The fundamental objective of this project is to design, synthesize, and characterize fluorescent dyes, which may be utilized in super resolution imaging techniques. In Chapters …
HJ Park, AMJ Haque, KW Kim - Bulletin of the Korean Chemical …, 2010 -
Figure 1.(A) CVs for the electrochemical oxidations of SID modified ITO surfaces in an acetonitrile solution with 0.1 M TBAP (all scan rates= 50 mV/sec); Solid line, first cycle; …
KW Kim, AMJ Haque, HJ Kang - Journal of the Korean …, 2010 -
The immobilization of proteins on silicon surfaces using electrochemical reaction has been studied. Chemical deposition of nitrobenzendiazonium (NiBD) cations is employed to modify …