Polaron quasiparticles are formed when a mobile impurity is coupled to the elementary excitations of a many-particle background. In the field of ultracold atoms, the study of the …
Two-dimensional materials and their heterostructures constitute a promising platform to study correlated electronic states, as well as the many-body physics of excitons. Transport …
When the Coulomb repulsion between electrons dominates over their kinetic energy, electrons in two-dimensional systems are predicted to spontaneously break continuous …
One of the first theoretically predicted manifestations of strong interactions in many-electron systems was the Wigner crystal,–, in which electrons crystallize into a regular lattice. The …
Magnetic properties of materials ranging from conventional ferromagnetic metals to strongly correlated materials such as cuprates originate from Coulomb exchange interactions. The …
Two-dimensional moiré superlattices provide a highly tunable platform to study strongly correlated physics. In particular, the moiré superlattices of two-dimensional semiconductor …
Confining particles to distances below their de Broglie wavelength discretizes their motional state. This fundamental effect is observed in many physical systems, ranging from electrons …
In recent years, active metasurfaces have emerged as a reconfigurable nanophotonic platform for the manipulation of light. Here, application of an external stimulus to resonant …
Recently, it has been demonstrated that the absorption of moderately doped two- dimensional semiconductors can be described in terms of exciton polarons. In this scenario …