To read or not to read: a meta-analysis of print exposure from infancy to early adulthood.

SE Mol, AG Bus - Psychological bulletin, 2011 -
This research synthesis examines whether the association between print exposure and
components of reading grows stronger across development. We meta-analyzed 99 studies …

[图书][B] Handbook of reading research, Volume III

ML Kamil, PB Mosenthal, PD Pearson, R Barr - 2016 -
In Volume III, as in Volumes I and II, the classic topics of reading are included--from
vocabulary and comprehension to reading instruction in the classroom--and, in addition …

[引用][C] Progress in understanding reading: Scientific foundations and new frontiers

KE Stanovich - The Guilford, 2000 -
The last 25 years have seen tremendous advances in the study of psychological processes
in reading. Our growing body of knowledge on the reading process and reading acquisition …

[图书][B] Mind and its evolution: A dual coding theoretical approach

A Paivio - 2014 -
This book updates the Dual Coding Theory of mind (DCT), a theory of modern human
cognition consisting of separate but interconnected nonverbal and verbal systems. Allan …

The British Lexicon Project: Lexical decision data for 28,730 monosyllabic and disyllabic English words

E Keuleers, P Lacey, K Rastle, M Brysbaert - Behavior research methods, 2012 - Springer
We present a new database of lexical decision times for English words and nonwords, for
which two groups of British participants each responded to 14,365 monosyllabic and …

New and updated tests of print exposure and reading abilities in college students

DJ Acheson, JB Wells, MC MacDonald - Behavior research methods, 2008 - Springer
The relationship between print exposure and measures of reading skill was examined in
college students (N= 99, 58 female; mean age= 20.3 years). Print exposure was measured …

Crowding and eccentricity determine reading rate

DG Pelli, KA Tillman, J Freeman, M Su… - Journal of …, 2007 -
Bouma's law of crowding predicts an uncrowded central window through which we can read
and a crowded periphery through which we cannot. The old discovery that readers make …

The word frequency effect in first-and second-language word recognition: A lexical entrenchment account

K Diependaele, K Lemhöfer… - Quarterly journal of …, 2013 -
We investigate the origin of differences in the word frequency effect between native
speakers and second-language speakers. In a large-scale analysis of English word …

Converging evidence for the concept of orthographic processing

AE Cunningham, KE Perry, KE Stanovich - Reading and writing, 2001 - Springer
Six different measures of orthographic processing (three different letter string choice tasks,
two orthographic choice tasks, and a homophone choice task) were administered to thirty …

Individual differences in visual word recognition: insights from the English Lexicon Project.

MJ Yap, DA Balota, DE Sibley… - Journal of Experimental …, 2012 -
Empirical work and models of visual word recognition have traditionally focused on group-
level performance. Despite the emphasis on the prototypical reader, there is clear evidence …