A tutorial on multiobjective optimization: fundamentals and evolutionary methods

MTM Emmerich, AH Deutz - Natural computing, 2018 - Springer
In almost no other field of computer science, the idea of using bio-inspired search paradigms
has been so useful as in solving multiobjective optimization problems. The idea of using a …

Computer-aided multi-objective optimization in small molecule discovery

JC Fromer, CW Coley - Patterns, 2023 - cell.com
Molecular discovery is a multi-objective optimization problem that requires identifying a
molecule or set of molecules that balance multiple, often competing, properties. Multi …

DrugEx v2: de novo design of drug molecules by Pareto-based multi-objective reinforcement learning in polypharmacology

X Liu, K Ye, HWT van Vlijmen, MTM Emmerich… - Journal of …, 2021 - Springer
In polypharmacology drugs are required to bind to multiple specific targets, for example to
enhance efficacy or to reduce resistance formation. Although deep learning has achieved a …

Multi-objective optimization methods in drug design

CA Nicolaou, N Brown - Drug Discovery Today: Technologies, 2013 - Elsevier
Drug discovery is a challenging multi-objective problem where numerous pharmaceutically
important objectives need to be adequately satisfied for a solution to be found. The problem …

Simple and efficient bi-objective search algorithms via fast dominance checks

C Hernández, W Yeoh, JA Baier, H Zhang, L Suazo… - Artificial intelligence, 2023 - Elsevier
Many interesting search problems can be formulated as bi-objective search problems, that
is, search problems where two kinds of costs have to be minimized, for example, travel …

Computational approaches for de novo drug design: past, present, and future

X Liu, AP IJzerman, GJP van Westen - Artificial neural networks, 2020 - Springer
Drug discovery is time-and resource-consuming. To this end, computational approaches that
are applied in de novo drug design play an important role to improve the efficiency and …

Advances in multiparameter optimization methods for de novo drug design

M Segall - Expert opinion on drug discovery, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Introduction: A high-quality drug must achieve a balance of physicochemical and absorption,
distribution, metabolism and elimination properties, safety and potency against its …

Leveraging cheminformatics strategies for inorganic discovery: application to redox potential design

JP Janet, TZH Gani, AH Steeves… - Industrial & …, 2017 - ACS Publications
Virtual high throughput screening, typically driven by first-principles, density functional
theory calculations, has emerged as a powerful tool for the discovery of new materials …

A Survey on Evolutionary Computation Based Drug Discovery

Q Yu, Q Lin, J Ji, W Zhou, S He, Z Zhu… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Drug discovery is an expensive and risky process. To combat the challenges in drug
discovery, an increasing number of researchers and pharmaceutical companies recognize …

MOARF, an integrated workflow for multiobjective optimization: implementation, synthesis, and biological evaluation

NC Firth, B Atrash, N Brown, J Blagg - Journal of chemical …, 2015 - ACS Publications
We describe the development and application of an integrated, multiobjective optimization
workflow (MOARF) for directed medicinal chemistry design. This workflow couples a rule …