The effects of prenatal diet on calf performance and perspectives for fetal programming studies: a meta-analytical investigation

SS Barcelos, KB Nascimento, TE Silva, R Mezzomo… - Animals, 2022 -
Simple Summary Prenatal nutrition can reshape an animal's developmental trajectory, with
persistent long-term consequences for the progeny. In prenatal life, the effects induced by …

[HTML][HTML] Invited review: Reproducible research from noisy data: Revisiting key statistical principles for the animal sciences

NM Bello, DG Renter - Journal of dairy science, 2018 - Elsevier
Reproducible results define the very core of scientific integrity in modern research. Yet,
legitimate concerns have been raised about the reproducibility of research findings, with …

A survey of the applications of Bayesian networks in agriculture

B Drury, J Valverde-Rebaza, MF Moura… - … Applications of Artificial …, 2017 - Elsevier
The application of machine learning to agriculture is currently experiencing a “surge of
interest” from the academic community as well as practitioners from industry. This increased …

[HTML][HTML] Feeding behaviors collected from automated milk feeders were associated with disease in group-housed dairy calves in the Upper Midwest United States

RK Perttu, M Peiter, T Bresolin, JRR Dórea… - Journal of Dairy …, 2023 - Elsevier
Automated milk feeders (AMF) are an attractive option for producers interested in adopting
practices that offer greater behavioral freedom for calves and can potentially improve labor …

[HTML][HTML] Invited review: Recursive models in animal breeding: Interpretation, limitations, and extensions

L Varona, O González-Recio - Journal of Dairy Science, 2023 - Elsevier
Structural equation models allow causal effects between 2 or more variables to be
considered and can postulate unidirectional (recursive models; RM) or bidirectional …

Conceptual framework for investigating causal effects from observational data in livestock

NM Bello, VC Ferreira, D Gianola… - Journal of animal …, 2018 -
Understanding causal mechanisms among variables is critical to efficient management of
complex biological systems such as animal agriculture production. The increasing …

Revealing the structure of the associations between housing system, facilities, management and welfare of commercial laying hens using Additive Bayesian Networks

A Comin, A Jeremiasson, G Kratzer… - Preventive veterinary …, 2019 - Elsevier
After the ban of battery cages in 1988, a welfare control programme for laying hens was
developed in Sweden. Its goal was to monitor and ensure that animal welfare was not …

Generalized additive mixed model on the analysis of total transport losses of market-weight pigs

TL Passafaro, D Van de Stroet, NM Bello… - Journal of Animal …, 2019 -
Transportation losses of market-weight pigs are an animal welfare concern, and result in
direct economic impact for producers and abattoirs. Such losses are related to multiple …

Translating insights from the seed metabolome into improved prediction for lipid-composition traits in oat (Avena sativa L.)

MT Campbell, H Hu, TH Yeats, M Caffe-Treml… - Genetics, 2021 -
Oat (Avena sativa L.) seed is a rich resource of beneficial lipids, soluble fiber, protein, and
antioxidants, and is considered a healthful food for humans. Little is known regarding the …

[HTML][HTML] Structural equation modeling for unraveling the multivariate genomic architecture of milk proteins in dairy cattle

S Pegolo, H Yu, G Morota, V Bisutti, GJM Rosa… - Journal of Dairy …, 2021 - Elsevier
The aims of this study were to investigate potential functional relationships among milk
protein fractions in dairy cattle and to carry out a structural equation model (SEM) GWAS to …