This article provides a critical account of geographical education in Turkey, a predominantly Muslim country which, as a result of regional conflicts and refugee crises, is currently much …
M Seremet, B Chalkley - Planet, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
The published literature on Geography teaching in Higher Education (HE) has focused principally on advanced “western” countries such as the USA, UK and Australia. This paper …
M Şeremet - Marmara Coğrafya Dergisi, 2017 -
Günümüz Yükseköğretim politikalarının geldiği nokta itibariyle, artık özellikle akademik disiplin niteliğine sahip programların da öğrencilerinin çeşitli temel ve mesleki yetenekler ile …
L Przybylska - Prace Komisji Edukacji Geograficznej Polskiego …, 2016 -
Poruszana w artykule problematyka wpisuje się w stosunkowo nowy w polskiej literaturze naukowej nurt badań i refleksji nad metodą tutoringu i jej przydatnością na różnych …
1. The structure and life functions of organisms; 2. Complexity of the world of living creatures; 3. Examples of diversity of plants, fungi and animals and their habitats; 4. Description of the …