Natural and anthropogenic hydrocarbon inputs to sediments of Patos Lagoon Estuary, Brazil

PM Medeiros, MC Bícego, RM Castelao… - Environment …, 2005 - Elsevier
The Patos Lagoon Estuary, southern Brazil, is an area of environmental interest not only
because of tourism, but also because of the presence of the second major port of Brazil, with …

[HTML][HTML] Natural and anthropogenic sterols inputs in surface sediments of Patos Lagoon, Brazil

CC Martins, G Fillmann, RC Montone - Journal of the Brazilian …, 2007 - SciELO Brasil
The Patos Lagoon, the largest coastal lagoon in the world, has long been receiving
considerable anthropogenic input resulting from urban, rural and industrial activities. Thus …

Long-term ammonia toxicity to the pink-shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis

KC Miranda-Filho, GLL Pinho, W Wasielesky Jr… - … and Physiology Part C …, 2009 - Elsevier
Juvenile pink-shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis were exposed (75days) to NH3 (0.016–
0.287 mg L− 1) under static condition with water renewal every 24h. Experiments were …

[HTML][HTML] Trophic quality of waters in the Patos Lagoon estuary: a comparison between its margins and the port channel located in Rio Grande, RS, Brazil

RN Marreto, MGZ Baumgarten… - Acta Limnologica …, 2017 - SciELO Brasil
Aim This study aimed to evaluate the Trophic State Index (TSI) at the margin and in the
channel of the Patos Lagoon estuary, considering different hydrological conditions. Methods …

Effect of wind and river discharge on water quality indicators of a coastal lagoon

LMN Seiler, EHL Fernandes, E Siegle - Regional studies in marine science, 2020 - Elsevier
It is well known that some factors could effectively control the hydrodynamics of Brazil's
largest coastal lagoon (Patos Lagoon coastal system); however the knowledge about the …

[HTML][HTML] Fitotoxicidade e citogenotoxicidade da água e sedimento de córrego urbano em bioensaio com Lactuca sativa

LCA Rodrigues, S Barbosa, M Pazin… - Revista Brasileira de …, 2013 - SciELO Brasil
Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar a influência espacial e temporal da fitotoxicidade e
da citogenotoxicidade da água e do sedimento de córrego urbano quanto às características …

Meteorological and potential climatic influence on high cyanobacterial biomass within Patos Lagoon (southern Brazil): A case study of the summer of 2019–2020

BF Caneve, MS Souza, EV Klering, FL Lobo… - Ocean and Coastal …, 2023 - SciELO Brasil
Cyanobacterial blooms are a potential threat to human communities and ecosystems. Since
the late 1980s, researchers have reported harmful cyanobacterial colonies in Patos Lagoon …

Impacts of mining in artificial lake of Iron Quadrangle-MG: past marks and changes of the present

L Paraguassú, MGP Leite, FWA Moreira… - Environmental Earth …, 2019 - Springer
A locus of intense mining activity since the seventeenth century, the Iron Quadrangle,
corresponds to one of the most important mineral provinces in the world. Located in Minas …

Hidrodinâmica do Saco da Mangueira: mecanismos que controlam as trocas com o estuário da Lagoa dos Patos

IO Monteiro, ML Pearson, OOM Junior… - Atlântica (Rio …, 2005 -
Resumo O Saco da Mangueira (SM) é uma enseada semifechada, conectada ao estuário
da Lagoa dos Patos. Devido a sua importância local, esta enseada está sujeita a sérios …

[PDF][PDF] A coluna sedimentar como reservatório e fonte de nutrientes em enseadas estuarinas

MGZ Baumgarten, LFH Niencheski - 2010 -
RESUMO O estuário da Lagoa dos Patos possui várias enseadas marginais semi-fechadas
e com alta produtividade, conhecidas como “Sacos”. As águas das margens do Saco da …