Any city is a product of politics and economics, organizations and people. Yet, the life experiences of women uprooted from its poorest quarters seldom inform urban resettlement …
A Sen, S Pattanaik - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 2016 - Springer
Loss of the green belts in the cities as an antecedent outcome of haphazard and irregular urbanization as one of the principle factors has a negative bearing on the socio ecological …
F Landy - Environmental Development, 2014 - Elsevier
Protection policies and their implementation vary depending on the status of the area, national legislation, location, etc. also on the local people׳ s activities and social identity. The …
F Landy, R Chand, S Déry, P Dérioz… - Via. Tourism …, 2021 -
This article tests the following hypothesis: What we call “eco-ethnicity”–the dual images of ethnic and environmental identity of a group–can explain to a large extent the empowerment …
Le parc national Sanjay Gandhi (sgnp), géré comme une nature-forteresse, abrite un effectif résiduel de populations tribales ou Adivasis. Nous retraçons ici les étapes du processus …
F Landy, R Chand, S Déry, P Dérioz… - Via. Tourism …, 2021 -
Cet article teste l'hypothèse suivante: la double image identitaire ethnique et environnementale d'un groupe–que nous appelons éco-ethnicité–peut expliquer dans une …
Le parc national Sanjay Gandhi (sgnp), géré comme une nature-forteresse, abrite un effectif résiduel de populations tribales ou Adivasis. Nous retraçons ici les étapes du processus …
F Landy, R Chand, S Déry, P Dérioz… - Via. Tourism …, 2021 -
Este artículo pone a prueba la hipótesis de que la doble imagen de identidad étnica y medioambiental de un grupo-que denominamos eco-etnicidad-puede explicar gran parte …
Indian society is characterized by a high degree of structural inequality based on the tenets of the caste system. Caste is said to be the fundamental importance to understanding Indian …