X Zhang, V Laan - Semigroup Forum, 2015 - Springer
On injective hulls of $$S$$ -posets | SpringerLink Skip to main content Advertisement SpringerLink Log in Menu Find a journal Publish with us Search Cart 1.Home 2.Semigroup …
X Shi - Semigroup Forum, 2008 - search.ebscohost.com
On flatness properties of cyclic S-posets Page 1 Semigroup Forum (2008) 77: 248–266 DOI 10.1007/s00233-007-9012-x RESEARCH ARTICLE On flatness properties of cyclic S-posets …
V Gould, L Shaheen - Semigroup Forum, 2010 - Springer
A pomonoid S is a monoid equipped with a partial order that is compatible with the binary operation. In the same way that M-acts over a monoid M correspond to the representation of …
No need to say that the study of injectivity with respect to different classes of monomorphisms is crucial in any category. In this paper, the notion of injectivity with respect …
Motivated by results of linear algebra over fields, rings and tropical semirings, we present a systematic way to understand the behaviour of matrices with entries in an arbitrary semiring …
H Rasouli - European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2014 - ejpam.com
Recall that monomorphisms in some categories such as the category of posets, and the category of topological spaces, are not necessarily embeddings. The notion of regular …
In this paper, we investigate the characterizations of pomonoids over which all S-posets are principally weakly flat. It is shown that all S-posets are principally weakly flat if and only if S is …
X Zhang, V Laan - Central European Journal of Mathematics, 2007 - Springer
If S is a partially ordered monoid then a right S-poset is a poset A on which S acts from the right in such a way that the action is compatible both with the order of S and A. By regular …
Let S be a pomonoid and I a proper right ideal of S. In a previous paper, using the amalgamated coproduct A (I) of two copies of SS over I, we were able to solve one of the …