Run-time optimizations for replicated dataflows on heterogeneous environments

G Teodoro, TDR Hartley, U Catalyurek… - Proceedings of the 19th …, 2010 -
The increases in multi-core processor parallelism and in the flexibility of many-core
accelerator processors, such as GPUs, have turned traditional SMP systems into …

Comparative performance analysis of intel xeon phi, gpu, and cpu

G Teodoro, T Kurc, J Kong, L Cooper, J Saltz - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2013 -
We investigate and characterize the performance of an important class of operations on
GPUs and Many Integrated Core (MIC) architectures. Our work is motivated by applications …

Optimizing dataflow applications on heterogeneous environments

G Teodoro, TDR Hartley, UV Catalyurek, R Ferreira - Cluster Computing, 2012 - Springer
The increases in multi-core processor parallelism and in the flexibility of many-core
accelerator processors, such as GPUs, have turned traditional SMP systems into …

Data Flow Frameworks for Emerging Heterogeneous Architectures and Their Application to Biomedicine.

ÜV Çatalyürek, R Ferreira, TDR Hartley, G Teodoro… - 2010 -
376 Scientific Computing with Multicore and Accelerators gine (CBE), and traditional
microprocessors with increasingly high levels of core-level parallelism are now state-of-the …

Algoritmos paralelos e adaptativos no tempo e no espaço para simulaçao numérica da eletrofisiologia do coraçao

RS Oliveira - 2013 -
Modelos computacionais se tornaram ferramentas importantes para o estudo do
comportamento elétrico do coração. Porém, a alta complexidade dos processos biofísicos …

[PDF][PDF] Computaçao em Fluxos de Dados para Ambientes Paralelos e Heterogêneos

GTR Ferreira -
As recentes mudanças no projeto de computadores tranformaram as plataformas de
computaç ao de alto desempenho em ambientes complexos equipados com diversos …