Conventional wisdom suggests that partisanship has little impact on voter behavior in Brazil; what matters most is pork-barreling, incumbent performance, and candidates' charisma. This …
For more than a century party members have played a central role in many parliamentary democracies, helping political parties to mobilize voters, and visibly linking party leaders …
This book has three aims. Firstly, it explores the extreme right in order to assess its ideological meaning and its political expression. Beginning with a discussion of the meaning …
E Carter - The extreme right in Western Europe, 2013 -
6.1 Effects of party ideology, party organization and leadership, party competition and electoral institutions on the right-wing extremist party vote (OLS regression): Model 1 206 6.2 …
Ingrid van Biezen provides a comprehensive comparative analysis of party formation and organizational development in recently established democracies. She focuses on four …
N Font, P Graziano, M Tsakatika - Government and Opposition, 2021 -
Over the past years, parties often described as populist, such as SYRIZA in Greece, the Five Star Movement (FSM) in Italy and Podemos in Spain have made significant electoral …
Party and Democracy questions why political parties today are held in such low estimation in advanced democracies. The first part of the volume reviews theoretical motivations behind …
Recent electoral success of the Freedom Party in Austria, List Pim Fortuyn in The Netherlands, the People's Party in Denmark and the National Front in France have …
Das Buch berücksichtigt die seit 1999 eingetretenen Entwicklungen, die in mehreren Ländern (Österreich, Italien, Niederlande) zur Regierungsbeteiligung oder-übernahme …