An entangled pedagogy: Looking beyond the pedagogy—technology dichotomy

T Fawns - Postdigital Science and Education, 2022 - Springer
Abstract 'Pedagogy first'has become a mantra for educators, supported by the metaphor of
the 'pedagogical horse'driving the 'technological cart'. Yet putting technology first or last …

[图书][B] Refugees in higher education: Debate, discourse and practice

J Stevenson, S Baker - 2018 -
Baker, P.[Paul], Gabrielatos, C., KhosraviNik, M., Krzyzanowski, M., McEnery, T., & Wodak,
R.(2008). A useful methodological synergy? Combining critical discourse analysis and …

Are we answering the question that has been set? Exploring the gap between research and practice around examinations in higher education

A Buckley - Studies in Higher Education, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Despite a large amount of critical research literature, traditional examinations continue to be
widely used in higher education. This article reviews recent literature in order to assess the …

[图书][B] Relational pedagogies: Connections and mattering in higher education

K Gravett - 2022 -
What do meaningful connections in learning and teaching look like, and how might we foster
these? How might the concept of mattering be helpful for our understanding of higher …

Enabling feedback seeking, agency and uptake through dialogic screencast feedback

J Wood - Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Screencast feedback is higher in quantity, explicit and engaging and may better enable
uptake compared to written feedback. However, most studies deploy screencast feedback as …

[HTML][HTML] Supporting student teachers' reflection through assessment: The case of reflective podcasts

L Ketonen, JH Nieminen - Teaching and Teacher Education, 2023 - Elsevier
Reflection is a key learning objective of teacher education, yet little is known about the ways
in which it could be supported through assessment. In this case study (N= 14), we examine …

Students with disabilities mentoring staff: Supporting scalable academic development for inclusive education

M Dollinger, L Hanna - International Journal for Academic …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Students with disabilities are the fastest-growing equity cohort in Australia, and yet they
continue to face barriers to their success and completion at university. In this paper, we …

The politics of student belonging: identity and purpose

R Ajjawi, K Gravett, S O'Shea - Teaching in Higher Education, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Belonging is considered to be a positive foundation for students' well-being and success at
university; however, in this article, we argue that it is time to think about belonging more …

A caring transformation of international education: possibilities, challenges and change

A Deuchar, R Gorur - Higher Education Research & Development, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The COVID-19 pandemic has had profound impacts on all facets of international education.
Not only has it highlighted the inadequacy of existing care arrangements but it has also …

Book review: Relational pedagogies: Connections and mattering in higher education

A Payne, T Payne - Journal of University Teaching and …, 2023 -
This book review of Relational Pedagogies: Connections and Mattering in Higher Education
by Karen Gravett aims to offer a compelling analysis that enhances the scholarly …