Computer Vision problems applied to visual surveillance have been studied for several years aiming at finding accurate and efficient solutions, required to allow the execution of …
This paper describes the evolution of our research from video analytics to a global security system with focus on the video surveillance component. Indeed video surveillance has …
The availability of surveillance cameras placed in public locations has increased vastly in the last years, providing a safe environment to people at the cost of huge amount of visual …
Video Surveillance has grown and evolved from a commodity security tool up to the most efficient way to trace back perpetrators when terrorism hits our modern urban centers. As …
Computer Vision problems applied to visual surveillance have been studied for several years aiming at finding accurate and efficient solutions. The main goal of such systems is to …
Ces travaux traitent du suivi de l'activité humaine à travers l'analyse en temps r éel de signaux physiologiques et d'accélé rométrie. Il s' agit de données issues de capteurs …