[图书][B] China in war and revolution, 1895-1949

P Zarrow - 2006 - taylorfrancis.com
Providing historical insights essential to the understanding of contemporary China, this text
presents a nation's story of trauma and growth during the early twentieth century. It explains …

[图书][B] Disciplining the State

PA Thornton - 2020 - books.google.com
" What are states, and how are they made? Scholars of European history assert that war
makes states, just as states make war. This study finds that in China, the challenges of …

[图书][B] The Chinese and opium under the republic: Worse than floods and wild beasts

A Baumler - 2012 - books.google.com
In the nineteenth century, opium smoking was common throughout China and regarded as a
vice no different from any other: pleasurable, potentially dangerous, but not a threat to …

[图书][B] Counterrevolution in China: Wang Sheng and the Kuomintang

TA Marks - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
This ground-breaking book spans 60 years of modern Chinese history from the much
neglected non-communist perspective. Concentrating on Wang Sheng's career in relation to …

[PDF][PDF] Inequality Persistence and Revolution: What can we learn from the Long March in China?

M De la Rupelle, S Li - 2012 - Citeseer
Are radical reforms able to tackle inequality persistence? We investigate the impact of one of
the most radical changes one can think of, Mao's revolution in rural China, on inequality …

中共100 년의마오와마오이즘—기원, 해석, 전유—

박상수 - 중국근현대사연구, 2021 - dbpia.co.kr
마오가 사망한지 근 반세기가 되어가지만, 마오는 오늘도 끊임없이 소환되고 있다. 창립 100
년을 성대하게 기념하고 있는 중국공산당에게 마오는 변함없이 정치적 정당성의 …

Political Corruption and the Nationalist State

PM Thornton - Disciplining the State, 2007 - brill.com
If the budget deficits of the early Manchu state provided the Yongzheng emperor with an
expedient pretext for pursuing state-making reforms, the Nationalist leadership in 1927 …


菊地秀樹 - アジア研究, 2023 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 During the Sino-Japanese War, the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) conducted
guerrilla warfare in areas occupied by the Imperial Japanese Army. The Kuomintang aimed …