Soil and environmental issues in sandy soils

J Huang, AE Hartemink - Earth-Science Reviews, 2020 - Elsevier
Sandy soils are widely distributed across the world. Due to the growing global population
and urbanization, these soils are increasingly used to provide food, feed, fiber, energy, and …

Environmental factors in woodfuel production: Opportunities, risks, and criteria and indicators for sustainable practices

B Lattimore, CT Smith, BD Titus, I Stupak… - Biomass and bioenergy, 2009 - Elsevier
Bioenergy from sustainably managed forest ecosystems could provide a renewable, carbon-
neutral source of energy in many nations and communities throughout the world. In order for …

[HTML][HTML] Caracterização do intervalo hídrico ótimo de um Latossolo Roxo sob plantio direto

CA Tormena, AP Silva, PL Libardi - Revista Brasileira de Ciência do …, 1998 - SciELO Brasil
O crescimento do sistema radicular e da parte aérea das plantas é influenciado por vários
atributos físicos do solo, com complexas interações que envolvem o potencial da água no …

Modeling and correction of soil penetration resistance for varying soil water content

CMP Vaz, JM Manieri, IC De Maria, M Tuller - Geoderma, 2011 - Elsevier
For this study penetration resistance (PR) was measured within the profiles of four Oxisols
for a wide range of water contents (θ) and bulk densities. Obtained data were utilized to …

Impact of mechanized logging on compaction status of sandy forest soils

E Ampoorter, R Goris, WM Cornelis… - Forest Ecology and …, 2007 - Elsevier
Impact of skidding traffic on bulk density and penetration resistance of two sandy forest soils
was examined in Putte (the Netherlands). Different levels of compaction were applied by …

Assessing the effects of initial soil characteristics, machine mass and traffic intensity on forest soil compaction

E Ampoorter, L Van Nevel, B De Vos, M Hermy… - Forest Ecology and …, 2010 - Elsevier
An extensive field trial was set up in eight forest stands to examine the influence of soil
texture (two stands on sand, four on loam to silt loam, two on clay), machine mass (light …

Impact of mechanized harvesting on compaction of sandy and clayey forest soils: results of a meta-analysis

E Ampoorter, A De Schrijver, L Van Nevel… - Annals of Forest …, 2012 - Springer
Context Nowadays, harvest operations are predominantly performed fully mechanized using
heavy tractors or forestry machines. The resulting soil compaction may negatively affect the …

Physical recovery of forest soil after compaction by heavy machines, revealed by penetration resistance over multiple decades

H Mohieddinne, B Brasseur, F Spicher… - Forest Ecology and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Soil compaction, which results from the skidding of heavy machines used in forest
operations, can seriously damage forest productivity. Indeed, it alters soil structure, disturbs …

A novel growing device inspired by plant root soil penetration behaviors

A Sadeghi, A Tonazzini, L Popova, B Mazzolai - PloS one, 2014 -
Moving in an unstructured environment such as soil requires approaches that are
constrained by the physics of this complex medium and can ensure energy efficiency and …

Influence of soil physical and chemical properties on mechanical characteristics under different cultivation durations with Mollisols

L Lin, S Han, P Zhao, L Li, C Zhang, E Wang - Soil and Tillage Research, 2022 - Elsevier
The degree of soil compaction is affected not only by the agricultural machinery but also by
the soil physical, chemical, and mechanical properties. We hypothesized that the changes in …