La generalización de los medios masivos y tecnológicos ha ocasionado una transformación notoria en la sociedad, en la cultura y, por consiguiente, en la epistemología. La esfera …
The authors explore the intellectual and pedagogical implications of big data visualizations. Representing data visually implies simplifying and essentializing information. However, the …
Within a culture of persistent efficiency, ambiguous imagery represents a critical alternative. This thesis bridges studies in technology history, network and political theory, and art history …
Noisy Fields: Interference and Equivocality in the Sonic Legacies of Information Theory discusses the ways in which noise causes interferences within disciplinary fields. Noise …
This dissertation is offered at a time when there is renewed interest in the conceptual overlaps between contemporary art and discussions about pedagogy, along with a desire to …
Driven by the economics of surveillance capitalism, online service providers profile users to infer information about them, feeding automated decision-making processes such as …
This article discusses the mythologization of open data and data transparency. It argues that openness largely stands unquestioned, as an idealized, and instrumentalized design mode …
This dissertation looks to further the study of networked digital communication by centring material engagement and creative reconstitution as primary methods for the excavation of …