Divine simplicity is the idea that, as the ultimate principle of the universe, God must be a non- composite unity not made up of parts or diverse attributes. The idea was appropriated by …
While it has often been recognised that the development of Christian orthodoxy was stimulated by the speculations of those who are now called heretics, it is still widely …
How was the world generated and how does matter continue to be ordered so that the world can continue functioning? Questions like these have existed as long as humanity has been …
Out of 'decent respect for the opinion of others', my monograph Christ's Resurrection in Early Christianity (2011), and its then preliminary hypothesis of the Making of the New Testament …
Why is the Resurrection of Christ so remote, almost non-existent in many early Christian writings of the first 140 years of Christianity? This is the first Patristic book to focus on the …
English summary: This examination of Heracleon is based on the dispute which took place in the 20th century surrounding the gnostic character of the Gospel of John. According to …
Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho is the oldest preserved literary dialogue between a Jew and a Christian and a key text for understanding the development of early Judaism and …
Christianity proclaims Christ and the incarnate word of God; the Bible is described as the Word of God in both Jewish and Christian tradition. Are these usages merely homonymous …
For too long certain scholars have been content to portray Irenaeus of Lyons as a well- meaning churchman but incompetent theologian. By offering a careful reading of Irenaeus' …