This book offers a uniquely comprehensive account of the conflict in Northern Ireland, providing a rigorous analysis of its dynamics and present structure and proposing a new …
A growing band of historians, political commentators, and cultural critics has sought to analyse Ireland's past and present in colonial terms. For some, including Irish Republicans …
Written during the Northern Ireland peace process and just before the Good Friday Agreement, The Politics of Antagonism sets out to answer questions such as why successive …
Has conflict in Northern Ireland kept political dimensions of religion alive, and has religion played a role in fuelling conflict? Conflict in Northern Ireland is not and never will be a holy …
This book directly challenges the stereotype that women are inherently peaceable by examining female combatants' involvement in ethno-national conflicts. Drawing upon …
On the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Northern IrelandTroubles' the Ulster Loyalists are an increasingly alienated people. In this timely book Steve Bruce provides crucial insights into …
Abstract Changes in collective categories of identity are at the core of social transformation. The causal linkages among identity change, institutional change, and change in modes of …
In Northern Ireland, a once seemingly intractable conflict is in a state of transformation. Lee A. Smithey offers a grassroots view of that transformation, drawing on interviews …
Anti-Catholicism forms part of the dynamics to Northern Ireland's conflict and is critical to the self-defining identity of certain Protestants. However, anti-Catholicism is as much a …