Generating performance alerts

A Dutta, J Collins - US Patent 8,738,970, 2014 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method for generating performance alerts in a database system. The
method includes collecting a predefined set of performance data, and comparing the …

System and method for displaying relationships between electronically stored information to provide classification suggestions via inclusion

WC Knight, NI Nussbaum - US Patent 8,713,018, 2014 - Google Patents
5,278.980 5,371,673 5,442,778 5,477,451 5.488, 725 5,524,177 5,528,735 5,619,632
5,619,709 5,635,929 5,649, 193 5,675,819 5,696,962 5,737,734 5,754,938 5,794,236 …

System and method for generating a reference set for use during document review

WC Knight, SM McNee, J Conwell - US Patent 8,612,446, 2013 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A system and method for providing generating reference sets for use during
document review is provided. A collection of unclassified documents is obtained. Selection …

System and method for providing a classification suggestion for concepts

WC Knight - US Patent 8,515,958, 2013 - Google Patents
US8515958B2 - System and method for providing a classification suggestion for concepts -
Google Patents US8515958B2 - System and method for providing a classification suggestion …

Management system for outputting information denoting recovery method corresponding to root cause of failure

A Ito, N Beniyama, Y Mizote, T Kuroda - US Patent 8,429,453, 2013 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A management server includes a meta rule for identifying an event to be a
root cause and a failure recovery method that corresponds to the meta rule for an event …

Anomaly detection, alerting, and failure correction in a network

E Wolf, C Vanderborgh, P Kwan - US Patent 10,102,054, 2018 - Google Patents
In furtherance of providing uninterrupted network service, a data analyzer engine in a
network environment aggregates real-time feedback from multiple resources that collectively …

System facilitating prediction, detection and mitigation of network or device issues in communication systems

M Stephens, A Brisebois - US Patent 10,419,274, 2019 - Google Patents
Abstract Systems, methods and/or machine-readable storage media facilitating prediction,
detection and mitigation of network or device issues in a communication system are …

System and method for providing a classification suggestion for electronically stored information

WC Knight - US Patent 8,635,223, 2014 - Google Patents
Int. Cl. A system and method for providing a classification Sugges G6F 7/3(2006.01) tion for
electronically stored information is provided. A cor (52) US Cl. pus of electronically stored …

System and method for displaying relationships between electronically stored information to provide classification suggestions via injection

WC Knight, NI Nussbaum - US Patent 8,515,957, 2013 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A system and for providing reference documents as a Sugges tion for
classifying uncoded documents is provided. A refer ence set of electronically stored …

Computer-readable recording medium, apparatus, and method for processing data

Y Watanabe, Y Matsumoto, M Matsubara… - US Patent …, 2014 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method for processing data includes storing a type infor mation of a
configuration element of a first data process system in association with an identification …