Y Li, J Chang, C Kong, W Bao - Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2022 - Elsevier
In terms of multiple temporal and spatial scales, massive data from experiments, flow field measurements, and high-fidelity numerical simulations have greatly promoted the rapid …
We present the first closed-loop separation control experiment using a novel, model-free strategy based on genetic programming, which we call 'machine learning control'. The goal …
We investigate open-and closed-loop active control for aerodynamic drag reduction of a car model. Turbulent flow around a blunt-edged Ahmed body is examined at Re_ H ≈ 3 * 10^ 5 …
This work proposes a feedback-loop strategy to suppress intrinsic oscillations of resonating flows in the fully nonlinear regime. The frequency response of the flow is obtained from the …
We experimentally perform open and closed-loop control of a separating turbulent boundary layer downstream from a sharp edge ramp. The turbulent boundary layer just above the …
This work explores the use of data-driven methods, including machine learning and sparse sampling, for systems in fluid dynamics. In particular, camera images of a transitional …
Many previous studies have shown that the turbulent mixing layer under periodic forcing tends to adopt a lock-on state, where the major portion of the fluctuations in the flow are …