DB Cassidy - The European Physical Journal D, 2018 - Springer
The field of experimental positronium physics has advanced significantly in the last few decades, with new areas of research driven by the development of techniques for trapping …
The laser as a source of coherent optical radiation has made it possible to investigate nonlinear interaction of optical radiation with atoms and mole cules. Its availability has given …
A beam of 400-eV positrons is partially transmitted through a 40-Å C film in vacuum. Measuring the γ-ray energy spectrum with a downstream Ge (Li) detector, a new γ-ray peak …
We report a new measurement of the positronium (Ps) 2 S 3 1→ 2 P 3 0 interval. Slow Ps atoms, optically excited to the radiatively metastable 2 S 3 1 level, flew through a microwave …
P Asoka‐Kumar, KG Lynn, DO Welch - Journal of Applied Physics, 1994 - pubs.aip.org
In the past few years, there has been rapid growth in the positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) of overlayers, interfaces, and buried regions of semiconductors. There are few other …
A beam of positrons is used to study positronium (Ps) formation at the surfaces of clean, single-crystal targets. The Ps formation probability changes with incident energy E as (EE 0+ …
We have measured the kinetic energy of positronium (Ps) atoms emitted into a vacuum from a porous silica film subsequent to positron bombardment, via the Doppler spread of the …
AP Mills Jr, RJ Wilson - Physical Review A, 1982 - APS
We report measurements of the transmission of 1-6-keV energy positrons through films of Al, Cu, and Si up to 3000 Å thick. When the thickness is expressed in terms of mass per unit …