In this article, I shall present the following issues: First, the development during the 1970s against a highly politicized background, when the anti-feminist, socialist ideology hindered a …
MK Baş - Ulisa: Uluslararası Çalışmalar Dergisi, 2018 -
Türkiye'de kadın modernleşmesi, Türk modernleşmesinin sancılı evrelerinden birisidir. İlk Türk feminist kabul edilen Halide Edib'in aksine sonraki yazarların feminist duyarlılıkları …
A common figure of speech in Turkish that communicates the power of a hardship, struggle, or burden on an individual is “having the milk one had drunk from his mother pumped out …
This article is a product of a research project which, within the scope of the sociology of literature, aims to unravel the profile of women writers in Turkey. The educational status of …
Feminism in literary theory and practice has a long and complicated history and the 1970s were critical to that history because it was in that period that feminist criticism showed itself …
Öz Bu makale, edebiyat sosyolojisi alanına giren ve Türkiye'deki edebiyatçı kadınların profilini ortaya çıkartmayı amaçlayan bir araştırma projesinin ürünüdür. Kadın yazarların …
Büyük Gözaltı, Yaralısın, and Isa'nın Güncesi. With stories that illustrate how people were hurt under it, these novels challenge the “righteousness” of the military regime. Their stories …
This study aims to investigate the construction of female identity and sexuality in Turkey by making use of the literary realm. Bearing in mind the fact that the literary production in …