Multimodal sentiment analysis: a survey of methods, trends, and challenges

R Das, TD Singh - ACM Computing Surveys, 2023 -
Sentiment analysis has come long way since it was introduced as a natural language
processing task nearly 20 years ago. Sentiment analysis aims to extract the underlying …

Multimodal sentiment analysis: A survey and comparison

R Kaur, S Kautish - Research anthology on implementing sentiment …, 2022 -
Multimodal sentiments have become the challenge for the researchers and are equally
sophisticated for an appliance to understand. One of the studies that support MS problems is …

A survey of multimodal sentiment analysis

M Soleymani, D Garcia, B Jou, B Schuller… - Image and Vision …, 2017 - Elsevier
Sentiment analysis aims to automatically uncover the underlying attitude that we hold
towards an entity. The aggregation of these sentiment over a population represents opinion …

Cross-modal multitask transformer for end-to-end multimodal aspect-based sentiment analysis

L Yang, JC Na, J Yu - Information Processing & Management, 2022 - Elsevier
As an emerging task in opinion mining, End-to-End Multimodal Aspect-Based Sentiment
Analysis (MABSA) aims to extract all the aspect-sentiment pairs mentioned in a pair of …

Affective image content analysis: Two decades review and new perspectives

S Zhao, X Yao, J Yang, G Jia, G Ding… - … on Pattern Analysis …, 2021 -
Images can convey rich semantics and induce various emotions in viewers. Recently, with
the rapid advancement of emotional intelligence and the explosive growth of visual data …

Deepsentibank: Visual sentiment concept classification with deep convolutional neural networks

T Chen, D Borth, T Darrell, SF Chang - arXiv preprint arXiv:1410.8586, 2014 -
This paper introduces a visual sentiment concept classification method based on deep
convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The visual sentiment concepts are adjective noun …

A survey on sentiment analysis and opinion mining for social multimedia

Z Li, Y Fan, B Jiang, T Lei, W Liu - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2019 - Springer
Social media sentiment analysis (also known as opinion mining) which aims to extract
people's opinions, attitudes and emotions from social networks has become a research …

Entity-sensitive attention and fusion network for entity-level multimodal sentiment classification

J Yu, J Jiang, R Xia - IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech …, 2019 -
Entity-level (aka target-dependent) sentiment analysis of social media posts has recently
attracted increasing attention, and its goal is to predict the sentiment orientations over …

Hierarchical interactive multimodal transformer for aspect-based multimodal sentiment analysis

J Yu, K Chen, R Xia - IEEE Transactions on Affective …, 2022 -
Aspect-based multimodal sentiment analysis (ABMSA) aims to determine the sentiment
polarities of each aspect or entity mentioned in a multimodal post or review. Previous studies …

Visual sentiment prediction based on automatic discovery of affective regions

J Yang, D She, M Sun, MM Cheng… - IEEE Transactions …, 2018 -
Automatic assessment of sentiment from visual content has gained considerable attention
with the increasing tendency of expressing opinions via images and videos online. This …