[HTML][HTML] Influence of COVID-19 pandemic on dissemination of innovative e-learning tools in higher education in Poland

K Stecuła, R Wolniak - Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market …, 2022 - Elsevier
The paper presents the results of the research on the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic
on the dissemination of innovative e-learning tools in higher education. Research was …

COVID-19 impacts of inbound tourism on Australian economy

TD Pham, L Dwyer, JJ Su, T Ngo - Annals of Tourism Research, 2021 - Elsevier
The pandemic COVID-19 has severely impacted upon the world economy, devastating the
tourism industry globally. This paper estimates the short-run economic impacts of the …

The COVID-19 pandemic: Conceptual framework for the global economic impacts and recovery

MJ Ali, AB Bhuiyan, N Zulkifli… - Towards a Post-Covid …, 2022 - emerald.com
The purpose of this review is to summarize existing literature on the causes and impacts of
the magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic on people and businesses, and to propose a …

The economic cost of COVID lockdowns: an out-of-equilibrium analysis

A Mandel, V Veetil - Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, 2020 - Springer
This paper estimates the cost of the lockdown of some sectors of the world economy in the
wake of COVID-19. We develop a multi sector disequilibrium model with buyer-seller …

The unequal impact of the coronavirus pandemic: Evidence from seventeen developing countries

N Bottan, B Hoffmann, D Vera-Cossio - PloS one, 2020 - journals.plos.org
The current coronavirus pandemic is an unprecedented public health challenge that is
having a devastating economic impact on households. Using a sample of 230,540 …

COVID-19 containment measures and stock market returns: An international spatial econometrics investigation

C Alexakis, K Eleftheriou, P Patsoulis - Journal of Behavioral and …, 2021 - Elsevier
We investigate the impact of governments' social distancing measures against the novel
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as this was reflected on 45 major stock market …

Does renewable energy index respond to the pandemic uncertainty?

W Hemrit, N Benlagha - Renewable Energy, 2021 - Elsevier
Unlike very recent studies examining the most widely traded commodities (such as; oil and
gold) under an overwhelming time pressure and amid high pandemic uncertainty, the effects …

[PDF][PDF] The COVID-19's economic crisis and its solutions: A Literature Review

A Irawan, H Alamsyah - Etikonomi, 2021 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
The pandemic of COVID-19 predicts can create a global economic crisis include Indonesia.
This paper aimed to answer the first question: how the transmission process from a …

How did COVID-19 impact working professionals–a typology of impacts focused on education sector

A Chakraborty, AK Kar - The International Journal of Information and …, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose The pandemic COVID-19 brought in large challenges globally among the
workforce. There were reports of how employee layoffs and pay-cuts were gradually …

[PDF][PDF] Estimates of dynamics of the covid-19 pandemic and of its impact on the economy

LL Albu, CI Preda, R Lupu, CE Dobrotă, GM Călin… - Romanian Journal of …, 2020 - ipe.ro
Economic growth forecasts have been revised downwards in most countries, but the
incertitude regarding the duration or the evolution of the crisis persist. Under the pressure of …