J Maher, G Tiozzo - Journal für die reine und angewandte …, 2018 - degruyter.com
Let G be a countable group which acts by isometries on a separable, but not necessarily proper, Gromov hyperbolic space X. We say the action of G is weakly hyperbolic if G …
C González-Tokman, A Quas - Ergodic Theory and Dynamical …, 2014 - cambridge.org
Semi-invertible multiplicative ergodic theorems establish the existence of an Oseledets splitting for cocycles of non-invertible linear operators (such as transfer operators) over an …
S Gouëzel, A Karlsson - Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 2020 - ems.press
A result for subadditive ergodic cocycles is proved that provides more delicate information than Kingman's subadditive ergodic theorem. As an application we deduce a multiplicative …
S Blachère, P Haïssinsky, P Mathieu - 2008 - projecteuclid.org
We study asymptotic properties of the Green metric associated with transient random walks on countable groups. We prove that the rate of escape of the random walk computed in the …
I Choi - arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.06597, 2022 - arxiv.org
We study random walks on metric spaces with contracting isometries. In this first article of the series, we establish sharp deviation inequalities by adapting Gou\" ezel's pivotal time …
We give a proof of the sublinear tracking property for sample paths of random walks on various groups acting on spaces with hyperbolic-like properties. As an application, we prove …
M Björklund - Journal of theoretical probability, 2010 - Springer
In this paper we study asymptotic properties of symmetric and nondegenerate random walks on transient hyperbolic groups. We prove a central limit theorem and a law of iterated …
A Karlsson, F Ledrappier - Pure Appl. Math. Q, 2007 - people.kth.se
We consider a nondegenerate random walk on a locally compact group with finite first moment. Then, if there are no nonconstant bounded harmonic functions, all the linear drift …
In 1921, George Pólya published a short article [110] posing the following problem. Imagine a traveller on an infinite regular grid of roads—an infinite Manhattan, without Broadway …